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Stalking in and after romantic relationships

STALKING include repeated, obsessive harassment digitally or in person, such as following you and sending many unwanted messages, causing fear and other disorder in your life.

Estimates suggest 10.7% of women and 2.1% of men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime. -The Hotline

Examples of Stalking

Here are some examples of stalking in or after a relationship:

  • Sending you unwanted messages, letters or gifts

  • Showing up at your home, workplace, church, or other places you visit on purpose.

  • Calling you or people associated with you repeatedly.

  • Using fake accounts to track you on social media. Spreading rumors about you.

  • Spamming your email or social media accounts with notifications, posts, or messages

  • Threatening you through mail, over the phone, or online. Posting your personal information online (doxxing)

Is stalking illegal?

Stalking is a crime in all fifty states, however, the definitions of stalking and burden of proof to convict someone of stalking may differ from state to state. For information on how you can create a staking safety plan, click on the button below:

You Matter!

If you or someone you know is experiencing stalking from a current or past partner, seek help. You are not alone. YOU MATTER!



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